The Lucas Post

left school :(25.07.23

I got my site back up and I left school. There are some people that i'm gonna really miss. This website is gonna become a sort of haven for my Friends to talk fter we get split aapart.

Click here if your name starts with a J.

There is a poll here now free polls

Current Projects
Saving up for toaster brains (40% Done)

Randomland out Now21.07.23

I finished randomland :o. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be though. I watch it back and it doesn't seem as good as it seemed while I was animating it. I'm kinda disappointed with it but hopefully I can do better in the future. For the meantime you can watch Randomland on the toons page.

Current Projects
Lucas In Randomland (100% Done)
This Website (Idk% Done)
Saving up for toaster brains (1% Done)

NEW BLOGGG + SITE :D 19.07.23

I has a new site! i did steal alot of the CSS and layouts from but I feel aslong as the contents different its still good :)
Next tuesday Levi is moving to canada since its like end of school for holiday :'( and i'm moving to a different school that my best friend isnt ggoing to. but my other friend far this week has been a good and bad week. also for some reason the blog has a weird formatting thing and all the posts get slightly more to the right the more of them there is. weird

Current Projects
Lucas In Randomland (50% Done)
This Website (Idk% Done)